July 12, 2024

The Superpower of Great Leaders

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Lee Benson reveals the essence of leadership: creating value through your team. He stresses the need for leaders to consistently guide their teams to align with the business model, product value, and culture.


Key Points:

  • Understand the Business Model: Know how your organization makes money, including pricing and expenses.
  • Value of Products and Services: Continuously improve and understand market perception.
  • Cultivate Culture: Foster behaviors and attitudes that drive results.


Leaders face the challenge of misaligned decisions. Lee emphasizes guiding teams towards alignment with organizational goals, transforming them into high-performing units that create value independently.


Lee introduces holistic value creation: material, emotional, and spiritual (connectedness). He underscores the need for an intentional system to maintain alignment and achieve growth. Watch Lee Benson break down practical steps to become a leader who enhances organizational value. Move beyond clichés to achieve real results.


Watch now and transform your leadership.

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