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Your Most Important Number

Get your copy of the best-selling transformational book by Lee Benson and start improving your team’s alignment, decision making, and accountability today!
Most entrepreneurs have no structure or systems in place to grow their businesses and end up feeling overwhelmed, staying small, and never reaching their goals.

"Your Most Important Number is the operations and leadership guide that you were never given. It's one of the most powerful and practical books I've picked up all year and is a must read for entrepreneurs!"
Evan Carmichael
CEO, EvanCarmichael.com
System Pavers has used the MIND Methodology framework for the last 3 years and accountability and focus have improved significantly during this period along with our Net Profit.

"Our leadership team meetings have been more efficient and we can quickly identify how each team is performing and how individuals are being developed to achieve their MIN."

Larry Green
Executive Chair + Co-Founder, System Pavers
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Value Creation Kid

The movement has begun— 50 million financially competent kids ready to succeed in the real world. Will you join us?

Value Creation Kid is, without a doubt, the parenting book that has been missing from our lives. In a world where we often unknowingly limit our children's growth by sheltering them from healthy struggles, this book provides an eye-opening and transformative framework for raising strong, smart, and independent individuals.

"After reading this book, I can confidently say that Value Creation Kid is a game-changer. It has not only provided me with the tools to help my children grow into financially competent and responsible individuals but also shown me the path towards raising future leaders who will positively impact society. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants to prepare their children for the real world and give them the superpower of turning every challenge they face into valuable opportunities for themselves and others."
Carl Kasalek
CEO, Watt Logic

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