October 17, 2024

The Truth About Blockbuster with Former CEO James Keyes

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In this episode, we welcome back Jim Keyes, the former CEO of 7-Eleven, for a deep dive into his leadership experiences and philosophies. From navigating crises as a corporate leader to sharing wisdom on education, fear, and value creation, Jim offers an engaging conversation filled with valuable lessons. He also discusses how the culture of leadership, change, and innovation shaped his success at 7-Eleven, and the importance of maintaining integrity and balance in both business and life.


Episode Highlights:

  • Jim’s perspective on managing crises: “It’s not about the crisis, but how we respond to it.” 
  • Insights into aviation and how recurrent training for pilots mirrors handling business challenges.
  • The importance of building a culture of integrity and innovation in large organizations.
  • Why fear, if not managed properly, can lead to poor decision-making and hinder growth.
  • The role of education, technology, and leadership in preparing future generations for success.
  • The balance between faith and reason in navigating complex societal and business challenges.
  • How to think critically and apply a value-creation mindset in both personal and professional life.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Leadership and Integrity: Effective leadership starts with setting the right tone at the top. Jim emphasizes the importance of trust, integrity, and clear communication in leading large teams. When leaders exemplify these values, organizations thrive.
  2. Crisis Management: Handling crises effectively is about preparation and response. Just as pilots use checklists to navigate emergencies, business leaders must have frameworks to address challenges calmly and rationally, avoiding panic-driven decisions.
  3. Education as a Pathway to Freedom: Investing in education and technology is essential for national growth. Jim advocates for the use of advanced tools like AI and VR to enhance learning, ensuring the U.S. remains competitive on the global stage.



  • “The crisis is out of our control, but how we respond to it is 100% in our control.”
  • Fear leads to ignorance, ignorance leads to anger, and anger leads to violence. The antidote is knowledge, which leads to understanding and hope.”
  • “The future is in your hands. We can’t control what happens out there, but we can control how we respond to it.”


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